About us

About our group

Global Fiduciary and Asset Management companies, with the simple abbreviation GFAM are a group of companies that consist, jointly, an investment platform which participates actively in the development of new investments, related to the hydrogen and generally the clean energy sector, in the eastern European countries and the countries of South Europe. Currently the holding basis is in the UK and in Luxembourg but the actual management operations are located in Sofia, Bulgaria.

The investment platform has raised significant funds from European investors, who foresee the future of clean energy to the use of hydrogen as a fuel with zero emissions to the atmosphere. For confidentiality reasons, the platform is unable to disclose publicly the amounts that have been raised or committed.

The GFAM platform aims to invest in specific sectors and is targeting controlling stakes, while it focuses to the capable managers who could possibly join forces through acquisitions or participation to innovative companies related to this specific sector.

As we move to a new Europe, with hydrogen as the main fuel in the decade of 2030, we are in a major need for the replacement or modification of the existing infrastructure, in order to support the use of hydrogen as the main fuel in use. Only the countries of the EU region, require some €5 trillion for the period up to 2030, for the entire transformation to the green energy sources, one of which is the use of hydrogen.  

The war in Ukraine also creates additional challenge, for the European countries and the rest of the world, to be disconnected from the fossil fuels and discover a source of energy which is available everywhere, such as the hydrogen and the other sources.


The asset management team consists of first-class members with history of many decades in developing and managing hard assets and moreover energy related ones.

The team is located mainly in Sofia, Bulgaria, and secondary in all the locations where GFAM invests. Each group is focusing in its region exclusively. Management team structures and names will not be published in the public domain.

The partner in charge of the region is Mr. Christos Mouroutis and is resident of Sofia, Bulgaria since 1999, but originally is from Athens, Greece. He has a long and successful investment activity in the areas of shipping, real estate and energy, as of the 90’s. He has mainly operated with institutional capital from the US or from other western European sources. In Bulgaria, he was actively known with the foundation of “Arceland Capital Management” (ACM) which raised and invested more than €500 million in real estate and energy projects between 2006 and 2020. ACM completed its mission on September 2020. Prior to Arceland, Christos Mouroutis, raised and invested privately, an amount of around €250 million in real estate projects in Bulgaria. Before his activity in Bulgaria and Eastern Europe, he had created a shipping company, together with the international trading firm “Unibros Steel”; operating bulk carrier vessels from Black Sea to Far East. This activity was organized between 1993 and 1998 in Piraeus, Greece.

If you need more information and contact with the management team, please send us an email to the responsible operative director Mr. Christos Mouroutis or by WhatsApp.